Preventive measures for coronavirus


Raizes Turismo Personal, from now on the company, following the orders of the Spanish Government as well as the Government of Andalusia that gather the main measures to avoid the risk of contagion for COVID-19 during the development of tourist activities to their clients.

This page acts as an indicative and informative one. The measures in here will suffer some modifications in agreement with the development of the pandemic and the guidelines set forth by the competence Authority in the matter.

It adapts as PREVENTIVE MEASURES the following:

  • Keep the minimum security distance of 1,5 metres between people.
  • The use of the mask is obligatory during the whole visit.
  • The company will provide hand sanitizers for those clients that request it.
  • Attendance will not be admitted to those people with symptoms such as fever, coughs, etc, for sanitary reasons and the responsibility of the person to the rest of the group and workers.
  • All the measures that dictate the sanitary authorities in conform with the sanitary situation in the moment of carrying out the service.


  • Inform and educate in the guidelines to follow in preventive matters of hygienic-sanitary risk in the development of the activity.
  • To plan tasks and processes to guarantee the security distance.
  • If the tourism guide experiments any symptom of covid, even in a minor way, must restrain from giving a service.
  • Wear a mask (or a full length face field).
  • Throw out any kind of personal hygiene waste.
  • Frequent hand washing.
  • Frequent disinfection of personal objects.
  • Avoid, by any kinds, sharing the working stuff or devices with other tour guides.

THE TOUR GUIDES must inform their clients the preventive and hygienic measures:

  • Restrictions, limitations and changes in the service to prevent infections.
  • The preventive measures created during the tour by the tour guide, must be adapted by customers. In any case, the security and protection measures must be adapted for the sites and places that the clients are visiting at every moment.

THE PARTICIPANTS must always fulfill the protection measures:

  • Avoid physical greetings every moment, including handshakes.
  • Security distance between people will always be obligatory, except for family groups.
  • In any case, the use of the mask is obligatory. The clients will be asked to wear them. The company will give disposable masks in case of the clients breakage or lose their masks during the activity.
  • Wash one’s hands thoughtfully with hydrogel after every activity, sneeze, blow their noses or cough.
  • Avoid sharing sun creams or insect bite treatments.
  • Avoid touching one’s eyes, nose or mouth.


The company is not responsible under any circumstances for damages or harm, direct or indirect, that the participants could suffer in the organized activities derived by:

  • Any nature resulting directly or indirectly from the coronavirus sickness (COVID-19), Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome of Coronavirus 2 (SARSCoV-2), any mutation of these or that contribute to them.
  • Any fear or threat (real or noticed), every adopted measure to control, prevent, eliminate or be in contact with any infected of: Coronavirus sickness (COVID-19), Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome of Coronavirus 2 (SARSCoV-2) or any mutation of these.